Product Item


  • ~10 Shots: $20.00 each
    ~20 Shots: $15.00 each
    ~30 Shots: $12.00 each
    ~50 Shots: $10.00 each
    ~70 Shots: $9.00 each
    ~100 Shots: $8.00 each
    ~150 Shots: $7.00 each
    ~200 Shots: $6.00 each
    ~300 Shots: $5.00 each

Event or Business(Store)


  • ~ 1 Hour: $300.00
    ~ 2 Hour: $500.00
    ~ 3 Hour: $700.00
    ~ 4 Hour: $800.00
    ~ 5 Hour: $900.00
    ~ 6 Hour: $1,000.00
    ~ 7 Hour: $1,100.00
    ~ 8 Hour: $1,200.00
    One Day ( 12 Hours ) $1,500.00

Additional Services

  • Rush Service $10 per image
    Background Removal $5 per image
    Product assembly $10 per hour
    Color backgrounds $3 per image
    Tiff’s and PSD’s format $3 per image
    Extensive Re-touching $30 per hour
    Second Photographer 70% of First